The most prized possessions
That I could ever own,
Are the memories that I've collected;
They are mine and mine alone.
No one can ever take from me
The days I spent with friends by the sea.
Or the night I caught my very first fish,
And turned it into a sumptuous dish;
The many times I danced the night away,
Newly found friends that I knew were here to stay;
A smile from a stranger so many years ago,
A dedication from my sister at a Karaoke show;
The wonder of nature, a walk in the rain,
The memory of a lost love and all its pain;
The birth of my nephew, then later with his first toy,
A kiss from my husband when he was just a boy;
But the most precious memory- the one that is the best,
Is the comfort of my Mother as she held me against her breast.
Copyright © 2003
By: Jenni Kalicharan
My site: none
Note: All poetry on this site is the
exclusive property of the author. No reproduction of said poetry is allowed
without the express permission of the author. The poetry may be copied or
printed for personal use only so long as no profits are gained from said use
and full credit is given to the author.