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Check out the poetry section and enjoy the wonderful works that have been submitted by some very talented authors.

Dicover even more details about Doug Morton (Wordpoet).

This area will bring you to some links that relate to items which interest me.

In this section you'll find photos of the donating authors and personal photos of Doug Morton (Wordpoet).

In this section you'll find out all of the latest updates, when they happened and who made them possible.

This is where you'll find all the awards presented to this site and its authors. Thanks to everyone who made it possible.

If you're looking for a good place to go (besides here <grin>) then check out the sites listed here.

Go here to leave a comment, complaint or just say hi. Your input is always welcome on this site.

Want to search the site for something specific. In this area you can enter in a detailed search of exactly what you're looking for.

Find out what's in store for the future on this site. This is a basic outline of what I have planned to do with this site and what has already been accomplished.



Plans for this Site:

Phase One: (Complete)

-     Setup basic layout and navigation <Done>
-     Add Poetry, E-mail, Links, Photos, Etc? <Done>
-     Select graphics and color scheme to be used. (May change) <Done>
-     Reserve space for poets interested in donating personal works.<Done>
-     Allow only 3-6 poems until phase two is complete and space can be
determined. <Done>
-     Allow space for personal photo to be added. <Done>
-     Create generic disclaimer to protect rights of donating authors. <Done>
-     Add features ? counter, tracking system, feedback, etc? <Done>
-     Test and correct any bugs that develop. <Done>
-     Send invitation to authors to add their poems.<Done>
-     Add and test all submitted information. <Done>
-     Add site to search engines and test results. <Done>
-     Add internal search engine. <Done>

Phase Two: (In Progress)

-     Create and add graphical version of poems for all users.
-     Add text version link for each poem.
-     Remove some personal photos to create more space. <Done>
-     Add links to Poetry related site.
-     Finish personal links.
-     Redo Banners <Done>

-     Apply new banners to all areas.  <Done>
-     Redo index.html layout (Currently too cluttered) <Done>
-     Find and add comment utility
-     Find and add guestbook <Done>

Phase Three: (Items may be added or removed depending on space)

-     Space permitting, add audio versions of each poem
-     Create Author Bios for participating authors
-     Update Authors photo area to include bio. (Check all links to this
-     Improve meta tags, resubmit to search engines and add reindex tag.
-     Submit site to discerning award programs for evaluation in order to
find areas for improvement.
-     Create free downloadable E-Book of online poetry. (Will require
authors permission in writing first and will be in a powerpoint or text
format? Not yet determined.)

Phase Four: (Items may be added or removed depending on space)

-     Improve overall visual layout of site.
-     Begin planning awards program for other poetry sites:
-     Design awards to be presented.
-     Develop rating system by which each site will be judged fairly.
-     Set guidelines and expectations in writing for interested applicants.
-     Create application page and information required.
-     Create winners page for recipients of an award.

Home | Poetry | About Me | Interests | Photos | News | Awards | Fav Sites | Feedback | Adv Search | Plans

This site was last updated 04/20/03